When Should I Stretch?

by Michael J. Velsmid, DPT, MS Our patients often ask us when they should stretch, before or after exercise.  It seems that everyone has a different opinion on this.  You see athletes stretching as part of their warm-up.  Trainers will tell you to spend fifteen minutes stretching after cardiovascular exercise in the gym.  Every fitness…

Spring Tune Up

by Sara Bresnick PT Spring has finally sprung in New England.  The nice weather has arrived and people are shaking cobwebs off of their equipment and venturing outside for their exercise.  As you are beginning to enjoy the outdoors, there are a few important points to remember for safe and injury free return to outside…

PRP Injections

by Danielle Fox, DPT In the last few years, PRP injections have been in the headlines as a new injection used by professional athletes and weekend warriors alike to improve healing after injury. What are these injections and do they really work? PRP injections have been around since the mid 1990’s when surgeons began to…

Collaborative Sports Medicine

by David Merson, DPT Coordination, collaboration, and teamwork are the cornerstones to providing comprehensive sports medicine services.   One of my high school directors always preached “surround yourself with excellence”, and that mantra stuck with me to this day.    Over the course of my professional career, I have been fortunate to learn from and work with…

Boston Breakers’ PT provider!

Boston Sports Medicine was the official physical therapy provider for the Boston Breakers women’s professional soccer team in the 2012 Season.  Please click their logo below to check out the schedule.  Although we have passed the torch to this noble cause, we still support the team.  Hopefully we will see you at their games!