Are We Born to Run?

by Meaghan Harwood, DPT The best runner leaves no tracks. – Tao Te Ching In late 2009, my mother sent me the National Best Seller Born To Run by Christopher McDougall in which the author’s own difficulties with running injuries led him to ask a seemingly simple question, one that I hear from runners frequently,…

High Heels: Fashionable or Fatal?

by Jennifer Mohns, DPT “Your legs look so sleek”… “Your heels are so cute”… “You’re calves look amazing.” These are a few of the many things us women love to hear when we wear high heels, BUT to what price should we put beauty above health? Most women do not realize the detrimental effects that…

Do I Need Custom Orthotics?

By Michael J. Velsmid, DPT, MS (Part I in a series on orthotics) Depending on whom you ask this question, you will get different answers.  Some will say that everyone will benefit from orthotics, but those who prescribe to minimalist running will tell you that you should never use anything in your shoes. When I…