Physical Therapy is Effective for the Treatment of Meniscal Tears and Knee OA

by Andrew Provost, PT A review of the literature on the treatment of meniscal tears and knee OA. A recent research study in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) showed that physical therapy is as effective as arthroscopic surgery for treating patients with meniscal tears and osteoarthritis of the knee. This study validated the…

PRP Injections

by Danielle Fox, DPT In the last few years, PRP injections have been in the headlines as a new injection used by professional athletes and weekend warriors alike to improve healing after injury. What are these injections and do they really work? PRP injections have been around since the mid 1990’s when surgeons began to…

Are We Born to Run?

by Meaghan Harwood, DPT The best runner leaves no tracks. – Tao Te Ching In late 2009, my mother sent me the National Best Seller Born To Run by Christopher McDougall in which the author’s own difficulties with running injuries led him to ask a seemingly simple question, one that I hear from runners frequently,…