Shoulder Impingement

by Kelly Barrett, DPT Impingement is one of the most common diagnoses affecting the shoulder joint. We often hear this term, but what exactly is “shoulder impingement?”  The joint is made up of three bones called the humerus, the scapula and the clavicle. These bones serve as attachment sites for muscles of the rotator cuff.…

High Heels: Fashionable or Fatal?

by Jennifer Mohns, DPT “Your legs look so sleek”… “Your heels are so cute”… “You’re calves look amazing.” These are a few of the many things us women love to hear when we wear high heels, BUT to what price should we put beauty above health? Most women do not realize the detrimental effects that…

Office Stretches

by Rebecca Lingerfelt, DPT Following up from our blog about exercises to do in the office setting, here are some suggestions for stretches. For each of these stretches, hold for 20-30 seconds, then relax. Remember, you should feel a gentle stretch and nothing so aggressive that you have pain. Too many people spend much of…

Boston Breakers’ PT provider!

Boston Sports Medicine was the official physical therapy provider for the Boston Breakers women’s professional soccer team in the 2012 Season.  Please click their logo below to check out the schedule.  Although we have passed the torch to this noble cause, we still support the team.  Hopefully we will see you at their games!

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment

by Evie Ullman, DPT Platelet Rich Plasma, also known as PRP, is derived from the patient’s own blood and injected into the site of injury. It is used by orthopedists to treat tendonitis, ligament sprains, cartilage injuries and muscle strains. Blood is made up of four main components: red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets…