When Should I Stretch?

by Michael J. Velsmid, DPT, MS Our patients often ask us when they should stretch, before or after exercise.  It seems that everyone has a different opinion on this.  You see athletes stretching as part of their warm-up.  Trainers will tell you to spend fifteen minutes stretching after cardiovascular exercise in the gym.  Every fitness…

Cross Fit and Tabata

by Evie Ullman, DPT If you work out, you may have heard of these two fitness trends by now. What exactly are they? Let’s begin with Crossfit: a workout regimen comprised of constantly varied high intensity functional movements. A typical Crossfit workout will take about an hour, with about 20-30 mins of very high intensity…

Are We Born to Run?

by Meaghan Harwood, DPT The best runner leaves no tracks. – Tao Te Ching In late 2009, my mother sent me the National Best Seller Born To Run by Christopher McDougall in which the author’s own difficulties with running injuries led him to ask a seemingly simple question, one that I hear from runners frequently,…